Depression is an elongated feeling of sadness, a mood disorder and a feeling of self-unworthiness. It affects the internal sense of humor, deteriorates thinking capacity and the behavior in daily life. It is a condition that slowly encroaches the mind and eventually blows up unnoticed and demands quick medical attention.
There is no major cause noted for depression but speculations say it is a combination of many things and events in a human life. Physical abuse, arguments and conflicts, death or loss, prolonged illness, genetics, unmanaged stress, radio and chemotherapy, and consumption of illegal substances are some of the things that cause depression.
Although it is a hidden condition, there are some of the symptoms that can be spotted in a depressed person. Wearing a sad mood, lack of interest in activities once embraced, deep anger , insomnia, fatigue, loss of sexual desires, less concentration, restlessness, guilt and foreseeing death or suicide. Extreme mood swings, anger and withdrawal from people are some of them.
There a different level in depression medical attention is given as per the level one is:
i) Major Depression: – This is a severe condition that has prolonged sadness and a sense of self unworthiness. This person usually plays a low profile and does not enjoy the activities he once loved.
ii) Persistent disorder: – It is called Dysthymia. It is another level of depression where there is a persistent of low moods, hopelessness, poor concentration and sleep disorders. It is known for its recurring behavior.
iii) Bipolar disorder: – It is a disorder associated with extreme mood swings. This level is unpredictable because it moves to both extremes either from very low to very high and vice versa.
iv) Seasonal Affective Disorder: – This depression comes when the season changes and begins and ends almost the same time every year. This seasonal affects the normal internal functions of some organs resulting to depression.
v) Depressive Psychosis: -In this level, one performs very poorly, concentration fails, social withdrawal, strange feelings or no feelings at all and suspiciousness among others dominates.
Apart from seeking medical attention, a depressed person has to have a talk therapy to open up so that the issues can be addressed. He is supposed to sleep well, eat healthy food, and do a lot of exercises, set goals in life, have a good routine to do and try to challenge negative thoughts. This can help in curbing depression.