Good parenting.
Good parenting involves a lot of routine and consistency which gives the child a sense of self control. It focuses on developing Independence in children. It involves a style that considers children age and stage development.
Poor parenting.
This is vice versa to good parenting, it is a series of actions done by the parent and can seriously harm the child’s demeanour and psychology. It is in most cases unintentional but causes damage to the child.
It includes:
- Reprimanding the child even if he says the truth.
- Scolding, punishing and hitting the child in front of everyone.
- Giving less encouragements and more of advice.
- Never proud of the achievements made.

Principles of Good Parenting.

- You cannot be too loving,,, there are times to straighten up the chikd
- You should establish and set rules.
- Be consistent, no giving up.
- Avoid harsh discipline.
- Be involved with your child’s life.
- Faster your child’s independence.
- Adapt your parenting in a manner that fits your child.
Effective Parenting.
- Make time for your kids: This is because kids left without giving them time, tend to do wrong things with the assumption that they won’t be noticed. You can wake up earlier, take breakfast together, take a walk to museums during weekends. Teenagers are less interested with parenting time but when they need the parents, you should always be there for them.
- Be a good role model: The traits such as respect, hospitality, honesty, kindness, tolerance should be exercised to them so that the child can learn.
- Always communicate with your child, it makes your expectations clear and your child understands you better.
- Show the child your love is unconditional.
Traits of a good parent.
- Always show the child love and affection.
- Be dependent so as to cater for the needs of the child.
- Have multi tasking skills that is being able to balance between house management, schooling of the child, and your stress levels.
- Should be intelligent.
- Should have leadership skills so as to guide the children well.
- Be able to develop the child to good character traits eg honesty, empathy, self control amongst others.
- Should be flexible that is open minded and able to find solutions to problems anytime.
Parenting styles.
There are four styles namely :
- Authoritarian which is also called disciplinarian.
- Permissive which Is also called indulgent.
- Uninvolved parenting.
- Authoritative parenting.
Parental control.
These are features that may be included in the digital TV services, computer games, video games and also mobile phones to restrict access of adult content to children.