This article, therefore, shall focus on remedying in our society today.

What is Bad Parenting?

Source: Online-Some habits of Bad Parenting

The standard of parenthood is to raise children who represent the value of the dominant group in the society. Bad parenting can mean anything and everything when parents neglect to do, or they do in excess as parents. Classic examples of incompetent parenting include being hooked to online while leaving your two old year son drawn in a pool of water.  Others include constant abuse of your children as they grow, and not reprimanding or punishing your children for destructive habits. Parental incompetence is a vice to fight in our society today

Signs of Bad Parenting

As much as parents mirror their upbringing as blueprints of their parenting, they should realize that times have changed as the social environment keep evolving. Bad parenting is a series of actions that need constant checking will seriously harm children’s physiological demeanor. Below are some of the signs that define incompetent parenting:

  • Dispensing of advice about everything to your children and no encouragement is a detrimental practice.
  • Failure to set rules for discipline and growth takes away the power of children to acknowledge the value of structure and boundaries in life. 
  • The excessive reprimanding or scolding of your children’s mistakes can have worse effects on them if not checked in advance.
  • Your instructive comparison of your children to others is not a standard trait for their growth.
  • Disciplining your children in front of everyone takes away their confidence and subjects them to feelings of unworthy. 
  • Withholding affection from your children disconnects them emotionally from you.

Effects of Bad Parenting

The pride of every parent is to raise responsible children into adulthood. But when incompetent parenting becomes a norm, the children are negatively affected. Among the outcomes of incompetent parenting include:

  • Psychological disorders.
  • Children prone to criminal habits
  • Low self-esteem
  • Spoilt children due to failure to reprimanding and punish bad behavior  

Remedies to Bad Parenting Today

Good parenting has boundaries. It’s advisable to set limits for everything that you ought to do as a family daily. There is a need to lead by example as parents. Adopt habitual routines as guides to growth, eating habits, leisure, and studies. In the process, avoid frequent tantrums, learn to curb your children’s autonomy, correct bad habits rather than reprimanding and scolding, and learn to manage aggressive behavior from children.


Children learn what they live. As parents, you should exercise caution in all that you do for the future of your children. Principally it is not possible to keep your cool all days, therefore set habitual habits that stand as guides to molding your children into responsible and accountable adults.

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About the Author: women

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