Green Tea Beauty tips are among the best methods to enhance all-round beauty in diva ladies. Green tea enhances facial and body beauty by the use of its antioxidants and phytonutrients which removes oil in the skin giving it that youthful look. Vitamins B2 and E found in green tea are essential in maintaining collagen levels giving that youthful look and soft nourished skin.

Origin of Green Tea

Originally from China, green tea comes from a plant known as Camellia Sinesis. Its leaves and buds are harvested and used before they undergo withering and oxidation processes like normal black tea. Although originating from China, green tea spread to East Asia and Eventually throughout the rest of the world.

Benefits of Green Tea on Your Skin

  1. Helps Fight Acne.

Green Tea possesses a polyphenolic compound EGCG which is an antioxidant. This compound also serves as an anti-inflammatory. When used properly it helps avoid acne, drying of the skin, and skin infection.

  • Helps Reduce Oils Skin.

EGCG is an anti-androgenic in nature meaning it regulates the production of androgens in your body. This reduces the production of oil in your skin and prevents sunburns.

Benefits of Green Tea for Your Eyes

Treatment of Puffy Eyes.

The availability of caffeine and tannins in green tea helps to shrink blood vessels around your eyes treating puffy eyes and dark circles. This will give you that sparkling youthful look all day long.

Benefits of Green Tea on Your DNA

Green tea will also help you fight Melanoma and DNA damage from Ultra Violet rays preventing skin cancer. When used as a pharmacological agent it prevents disorders of the skin caused by excessive exposure to UV radiations.

Benefits of Green Tea on Your Hair

Fibers from green tea leaves have been proven to stimulate hair growth. Catechins and polyphenols stimulate cell turnover in hair follicles. This process is will help you have long and strong hair giving you that lady look.

Benefits of Green Tea on your Age

Evidence from experts suggests that the topical application of green tea face masks helps to improve skin tenacity. This ultimately slows down your skin from aging. The long term moisturizing effects on your skin reverses sun damage on the skin.


Green tea as we have seen in this article has a wide range of benefits from, beauty, health, DNA, eyes and slowing the aging process. We would confidently recommend it to all ladies who want to regain their youthful looks and keep it for a long term as they slow their aging process.

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