Four common misconceptions about women celebrities in Kenya.

When people discuss the celebrities of whom they are fans,you will notice they do so in flattering terms. This means that celebrities are not viewed from the perspective of the ordinary people they are but in the light of the characters they portray.

They rarely discuss the person’s flaws even when they are publicly known or even an integral part of their character.

When you meet a celebrity whom you are not a fan of, only then can you be able to get a true sense of who they really are. Again,it is difficult for people to differentiate between a media celebrity and the person they meet in real life. Most end up disappointed when the celebrity fails to meet their expectations forgetting that what they thought was not reality but only subjective opinions.

This article is meant to shed some light on misconceptions about female celebrities in Kenya.

1.They aren’t hurt by infidelity.

Madam boss better known as Akothee finally showed the soft side of her. Known to have the don’t care attitude this was really unexpected. Akothee warned her three daughters about dating celebrities and rushing into relationships in a recent tweet. She also expressed remorse about being in multiple failed relationships and having three baby daddies. She advised them against it saying she too has regrets about the decisions she made earlier in life and wouldn’t want them to go through it too as they aren’t tough enough.

2. Money can fix all of their problems.

Yes,the grass may appear greener on their side as they are thought to have it all nice and simple. However,many female celebrities are fighting silent battles dealing with childlessness, miscarriages and even difficulties in giving birth.

For the record,some have admitted their concerns as they can’t have the joy of having kids of their own despite having all the riches and fame.

These include Caroline mutoko and Vera sidika who have been in committed relationships and marriages but no kids and are being downweighed  by this fact. Some have resolved to adopt kids but can’t hide the desire to have their own.

3. They don’t go out in public without makeup.

Famous female personalities in our local industry really look hot in makeup but only a few manage to look beautiful without it. Media trolls and ill mouthing are factors that keep these celebrities off the spot without makeup. However,Adelle onyango and Elani are a good example, outdoing the odds and keeping the glamour and shine sparkling with or without makeup. Here’s an illustration.

4. They aren’t hurt by haters.

In the age of social media trolling and bullying,to survive one must grow a thick skin and learn the art of clapping back.

However, celebrities are also normal humans with feelings and emotions that can be hurt leaving them broken or with a lower self esteem.

Celebrities like Avril have been ill mouthed for going without makeup. Even worse , Adelle onyango was once the subject of a humiliating and insensitive internet joke that was definitely in bad taste. She however reacted saying such trolls can even lead to suicide for people who are not used to negative talks. She also called for people to be more sensitive when posting images or comments in a radio interview.

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About the Author: women

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