Currently, evolution has allowed women chances to take up leadership positions, unlike olden days. Due to this, there are specific lessons men can learn from women leaders. It is made possible despite stereotypes people have on women leaders. This serves to inspire more women into leadership.

Would you like to know the five most mind-blowing leadership traits that women leaders such as Nancy Macharia have that men should emulate? This article is here for that purpose. Let’s go.
1) Being Empathetic
Women are known to be kind and caring; thus, the notion that they cannot lead effectively. However, a great leader should have the heart to understand what his or her followers are going through. It is only this way that a leader can solve the followers’ problems, and appreciate them when they have done something commendable. Men need to learn being empathetic to situations since most of them are unkind in their leadership.

2) Humility
For an excellent leader, humility is a vital key. Many women leaders typically humble themselves in almost all circumstances. This trait helps them learn from their mistakes, listen to peoples’ points of view, and implement where necessary. All men in leadership should learn to humble themselves in situations that demand so to manage the leading post.
3) Flexibility
Being dynamic should be a significant character for anyone aspiring to be a leader. Since most women leaders are good listeners, they are open to manipulation. They are always open-minded and can make changes easily where it is necessary. Most men are self-centred, a character that contributes to their rigidity; therefore, they should learn to be humbled just like many women leaders.
4) Collaboration
Women have a collaborative mindset which allows them to be closer to their followers. They are always willing to delegate duties to others to assist them as well as saving time and energy. This is a remarkable trait because every person wants their leader to be like that. Men should learn to associate more closely with their followers and be enthusiastic about sharing what they can offer to them.

5) Encouraging the followers
In most cases, women naturally encourage team members or followers in their endeavours. Such inspirations boost enthusiasm to work harder and strengthen relationships between leaders and followers. Most men lack this trait of recognizing things done by team members, thus lowering their morale sometimes. Therefore, it is high time that men learn this lesson from women in leadership.
Women have proved to be great leaders due to the specific traits they have. These features make them outstanding whenever they take a leadership position. Therefore, all men should learn these lessons to more competent.