From times immemorial it was believed that wearing was a form of protection until the man comes to discover the numerous functions of clothing including physical attractiveness, emotions, culture, and religious expression. The choices women make on wear have an enormous impact on the fashion of any given culture. This article focuses on the future of the women fashion trends witnessed in the modern society.
What Is Fashion
Fashion is a language narrating a story about a person’s personality, identity, and belonging. The shift of the role of women in society has altered the approach to women and fashion. The approach of the beauty competitions, unisex clothing, working woman wardrobe, and women being equal has changed the dressing code in our community today. And far from that much is expected to change into the future.

The onset of the 21st century has altered the fashion industry completely. Gender is no longer an issue on what to wear and where to wear as universal dressing codes have taken center stage giving women more options in terms of fashioning. The future of the fashion industry is gender-neutral with unisex collections witnessed in the market today. Designers in the modern industry need to embrace a mixture of masculine and feminine fashion designs that create balance for all generations. Whether short or long, fashion trends are on the move with technological advancement and improved lifestyle. Going forward creativity and innovation fashion designs will be felt into the future.
The Future of the Fashion Industry

In today’s constant movement of fashion change, generation sets like generation Z have taken the world by storm. This generation knows that nothing lasts for long and they always assume that the world out there is for theirs to conquer. Unlike the millennials, they value things but not experience, and they never shop fast fashion. It is a challenge to designers, models, and artists to meet the requirements of this set of generations as they don’t regard the old rules that have brought the fashion industry to where it is today.
Fashion in its totality is headed to digitalization. Innovation and creativity shortly will be the norm. With the introduction of the 5G, it is anticipated that this trend will blend the online content with the physical world. Women fashion will keep evolving as we move forward. It’s the role of designers, creators, and innovators to embrace the changes to recreate women fashion.