Elegant women carry themselves with poise in a sophisticated and fashionable way of performing the day to day tasks in the society. The standard of their etiquette or behind closed doors does not change what changes is how they handle people in different sets of circumstances. These are the role model of the society as they display self- respect, appreciation and class and fashionable

Value of Elegant Women in a Civilized Society
In the world live in, the beauty paradigm keeps shifting towards a culture of big-tent beauty. The sophisticated technology puts the power of elegancy in the eye of the beholders. The term utopia as used in the recent beauty definitions is not yet clear of its quality but care must be taken not to stretch elegancy so much that it becomes meaningless. As attitudes shift so should be the fashion world. Elegancy in the world today is about respect and value. As people in a civilized culture, it’s time to giving lip services to what beauty constitutes

Elegance starts with dressing codes in a classic, stylish manner. Dressing of elegant women looks as if they were made to just fit them; never too baggy or too tight. It should be remembered that classy styling is timeless.
When speaking elegant women:
- Maintain eye contact and smile always.
- These women never brag about themselves
- In most cases, they avoid the character of drama queens
When handling toxic people elegant women:

- Find their balance when things get out of hand. They always turn to their comfort and happy zones to reenergize.
- Elegant women use their natural emphatic makeup to relate to others
- They never let toxic characters affect their personality.
- As elegant women, they flock with their kind. Times they spend with those who matter builds them up.
- Elegant women never waste time on social media. Always they limit their time by scheduling her media hours
- Elegant woman, don’t try to change the behavior of others because this has never been possible and will never be possible.
- Uncontrollable things are better left alone, thus don’t worry about them
- It is well known that elegant women don’t do clusters. Always they edit themselves and let go of the things that don’t fit into their way of life.
- Elegant women don’t complicate things instead they find a way to make it easier.
Bottom Line
Being elegant retains the feminine, attractive, and mature nature of being a woman. Elegancy practices good hygiene maintains the classy and stylish and accessorizes strategically among other things.