Do you have a teenager in your house?Has his/her childhood behavior changed?If your answer is yes,you don’t have to worry, it’s normal,teens tend to show some behaviors which could be violent,they may look depressed or even show unacceptable behavior.It is important therefore to note that,parenting teenagers isn’t an easy thing as it looks to be.

In this article, we’ll look at essential tips one can use in parenting teenagers.

Essential tips in parenting teenagers.

Check on your teen everyday.Don’t be a boring parent, always create time for your teenage child.Visit your child in his/her room and get to know if she’s comfortable.This way a child feels loved and cared for.

Be a closest friend.Every teen enjoys it when his/her parent cares for then and offers them company.The bond between you and your teenage child strengths the more and a child can easily respect and treasure you.This makes it easier for you to parent that child.

Be an active supervisor.Don’t be someone who doesn’t care what your child does behind closed doors.Be vigilant and never feel ashamed asking your child where he/she is going,why she’s in unfit outfit and most importantly watch out your child to ensure that he/she doesn’t engage in drug abuse or in any irresponsible sexual behavior.

Parenting a teenager requires you as a parent to spend meals with your child.It is believed that during meal times one gets an opportunity to talk about the day’s events and air out various grievances.Most importantly,they bond the family together and gives you an opportunity to keep in touch with teen’s life and challenges.

Correct mistakes politely.Never shout at a teen while correcting a mistake,they feel hated and will obviously behave violently in return.Find a common ground for instance while at the movies,mothers can point out mistakes and solve a problem peacefully.

Encourage your teen to exercise as it eases depression,boosts energy,relieves stress,regulate sleep patterns and improves your teen’s self esteem.This will make you succeed too in parenting teenagers.

In parenting teenagers,never forget to hold family meeting where they can discuss their needs.Close up a meeting with a delicious uncommon meal in the family or even take them out for a walk.Don’t forget to assign them duties like being a secretary during the meeting or even a time keeper.They enjoy it when recognized.

How can you know that you have failed in parenting teenagers.

1.If a teenager abuses drugs.

2.If he/she engages in irresponsible sexual behavior.

3.If a teenager is rude and  behaves violently

4.Living a ‘don’t care’ life whereby you never follow up where a teen is.

5.If you’re a bad role model by engaging in criminal behaviors, abusing drugs or even taking part in prostitution.

Why are teenagers exhibiting unacceptable behavior?

There are many reasons that makes parenting teenagers difficult since they are surrounded by various factors which makes them behave in a manner that is discouraging some of which includes;

Peer pressure.Research has shown that,a greater percentage of teenagers copy behavior from their peers.For instance,if one’s friend smokes,it is easier for that person to try out smoking too.It is important for a parent therefore to watch out the kind of people her child spends time with.

Lack of parental support.A teenager who doesn’t receive any support from his/her parent can easily be forced to look for alternative ways of getting support.For example, girls can engage in sexual behaviors for money and young teenage boys can steal to satisfy their wants.

Family keenness in raising up children.Some families upbring children carelessly and in turn,these children tend to live a don’t care life knowing well that their parents can’t do anything.As per the teenagers,they see it as a privilege of coming from those families but eventually they end up in pains.

What is the role of the society in parenting teenagers?

A child in a family is a blessing to the entire community.It therefore makes sense to say that, every society needs to take part in parenting children,with teenagers being handled with a lot of caution.

A society can organize various seminars.Here, teenagers can learn life-skills that will enable them carry themselves well in the society.Such seminars should be held regularly.

The society can also help in raising funds for a teenager incase of need such as school fees,medical funds among others.It will help a lot since it can prevent theft cases or even school dropouts and abuse of drugs,not forgetting sexual abuse.


Parenting teenagers can be challenging but by following the above tips and many more positive ones,i believe you can make a very good parent and watch your teenagers grow into responsible adults.

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About the Author: women

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