Since the onset of the new millennium, there has been a world-wide acceptance and usage of the internet as a medium of exchanging information and also providing an entertainment platform. The systemic approach by most countries in the world has led to the increase of internet use.
The entertainment industry offers a huge and readily available market with millions of people in the world subscribing to entertaining or informative content. Women have not been left behind in this guise and as such, have formed a vital and intrinsic part of this entertainment sector as they are now equally exposed to similar opportunities as their male counterparts.
Despite the fact that the law permits for equal exposure and opportunities for all genders, that is not necessarily the case as shall be evidenced in our discussion below:
- Being undermined
This is often the case as the male partners tend to treat the female partners as being of lesser value. For example, having your partners treats you like a PA to the rest of the crew or a case whereby having men working on another project entirely step in to your timeline to “fix” it without anybody asking.
- Sexual harassment
Most often than not, women face sexual harassment in the office almost daily. The perpetrator could make an innocent remark but the underpinning be construed to be an act of sexual harassment.

For example, getting unwelcome backrubs; being open to a constant commentary on the state of your appearance, good, bad, or otherwise or getting open sexual advances.
- Gender pay gap
The Government of the Republic of Kenya has since recently taken cognisance of women’s’ rights and in the regard enacted legislation to the effect. There is laxity in implementation of the gender equality laws and policy being implemented. In some institutions, women are given marching orders to screw other women out of money or rights, to keep your own job.

- Lack of promotion and accrued advantages
As opposed to how fast men move up the ladder fast, it is often that women take longer if at all they move up the ladder in their respective fields as the mind set of most human beings is programmed to believe that men are better at doing tasks than women. This according to me is a misguided notion.
Because every human regardless of gender, if given an equal chance can do a good job as well as the other party does.
- More input required as opposed to their male counterparts
This is very disturbing though true because since all are equal before God and man then it is very worrying in this day and age that this standard is still applied as women are required to prove their ability to perform most often as opposed to their male counterparts.