Alcohol addiction does not just happen overnight. It’s a tendency. A journey that starts from a sip and gradually develops into a habit. Notwithstanding the simplest factors that can drag you into a binge, the cost of alcoholism can be dire and very devastating.

Nana Gecaga- former alcoholic and a mentor
“When alcohol hooks you, it hooks you real good” says Nana Gecaga, a former alcoholic as she narrates her story on addiction while celebrating 21 years of liberation. Her battle history vividly tells of the real cost of alcoholism.
Nana Gecaga Alcoholism
Nana Gecaga alcoholism started at a tender age. When she attended parties and used alcohol to cover up her personal life problems, little did she know that it was the beginning of her addiction journey. What started as an amusement or a life remedy, finally developed into a lifelong circus.

Despite being a brilliant girl who had every resource at her disposal, she lived to see her life take an about turn leading her into 19 years of alcohol slavery. She never got the chance to pursue her dream both in the field of athletics and academics.
“My passion was actually sports. I was a very big athlete back in the day and I actually qualified for the 1996 Olympics. However I did not go due to my heavy drinking habit at that time” reckons Nana Gecaga as she regrets missing the opportunity.
Alcohol can indeed cost you not only an opportunity or two, but sometimes it can also cost you your entire life.
Nana Gecaga’s 21yr Celebration
Today, looking at Nana Gecaga’s 21year celebration of sobriety, you and I can have a lot to learn from her. In her story ‘I used to take 24 beers a day and a bottle of liquor’ Nana Gecaga reveals about her battle with addiction.
Cost Of Alcoholism

Accident- leading effect of alcoholism
The consequences of indulging into alcoholism can be beyond reparation. Loss of life through accidents and suicides has been attributed to be the final effects in most cases. However, health deterioration, property destructions, family agony and poverty are also major results as seen from Nana Gecaga alcoholism story.
‘I am lucky to be walking today’ says Nana as she reveals how she got involved into several accidents, coming out alive but leaving behind serious damages. ‘It’s after the rehabilitation that I realized how much pain I had caused my family’ Nana Gecaga continues.
Bottom Line
Even though alcohol addiction is a common problem, many addicts are yet to accept this fact. None is wailing to come out and seek solution like Ms. Gecaga did. She accepted her problem and sought a rehab.
As she celebrates her victory today, Nana Gecaga remains an example and an inspiration to many alcoholics who are still entangled with the giant of alcoholism. Her advice to many young people is simple; ‘you have your whole life ahead of you’.