Do you want to catch the eye of the guy who is making you crazy? Find out what men find attractive in women

Dating and having a man who appreciates you is every woman’s dream. However, not all ladies have the guts to approach a man and admit how they feel. Alone at night, your fantasies about him haunt you like evil spirits. It’s time for you to step up and make him notice you without directly approaching him. Find out what men find attractive in women shortly.

Traits of women that attract men


In the 21st century, men are looking for more than just a pretty face. Men are attracted to brilliant women who speak with confidence, I mean who wouldn’t. An intelligent is like a dime that every man gloat over. Psychologists say that intelligent women tend to reason before making any decision. Their rational perception and knowledge about life make them undeniably attractive.


Unlike the past where men preferred having their wives at home doing house chores, men these days are attracted to high standard women. It is sexy when a man takes you out for dinner but it’s breathtaking when a woman offers to settle the bill. Independent women are open-minded and they understand a man does not have to everything. Work hard to gain autonomy because it’s sexy.

Interesting and mysterious

There is something incredibly attractive about a woman who cracks you up. Laughter means your relationship will be exciting. Men are natural ‘hunters’. They enjoy pursuing ladies and when you decide to open up like a book it becomes boring. Be unpredictable and mysterious so that he never gets enough of you.

Physical features that men are attracted to in women

Less makeup

Men are attracted to more natural women. Too much make it makes women look so unnatural and it is not attractive at all. If you have to use makeup, let it be applied in small amounts.  Natural looks are more appealing compared to contoured ones.


You have come across women who have let unnecessary hair grow where there are not supposed to?  Smelly women who don’t shave are turn-offs. Men are attracted to women who take care of their bodies. It doesn’t take science to know how unappealing a dirty woman is.

Things ladies do that men are attracted to

There are habits women do that men find adorable and fascinating. One of them is playing with their hair while conversing. Playing with your hair and tucking it when talking to a man is not only lovable but also says a lot about your intent. There is an aspect of sexiness that comes out when a lady is playing with their hair and at the same time smiling during a conversation. Description:

Another habit men find adorable in ladies is when they get startled at the slightest provocation. Ladies can be very sensitive. You hear screams and run to where the screams as coming from only to find your girlfriend running away from a rat. I don’t how and why they find it cute but they do.

Things you do that scares men away

When it comes to dating men don’t just pop up and propose. They take time to study your character. The following are the things you should never do if you want to attract a man.

Being a monitoring spouse

No man is interested in a needy insecure spouse. Monitoring him all-day shows just how insecure you are. A woman who is always under your nose scrutinizing your every move like police can’t be tolerated. It’s adorable when women lets go sometimes and give their partner the space they need.


Dating is interesting and enjoyable. That guy you like so much could be yours if you understand what it is men are looking for in women. Men are different and their tastes differ too. Putting that into account find out what the guy you like finds attractive and incorporates the above tips. I promise you will have the last laugh.

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About the Author: women

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