Birth control is a method used to prevent any pregnancy in human being. It can be a female or male. These prevention help the adults to either stop giving birth temporary or permanent. They are many ways of controlling birth mostly in females. Mostly are called family planning methods which do control giving birth in a period of time, then later give birth
How to control birth.?
Permanent birth control.
They are many was one can use to control birth, You can control birth permanently which is know as sterilization. By use of Tubal ligation. These is to cut down or block your eggs path from the ovaries to uterus. Also you can use sterilization implant. These are nonsurgical way used to block out the fallopian tube. Through these, soft and flexible implant is place on the two fallopian tube to block it.
Temporary both control.
Temporary birth control is a way that one prevent giving birth in a duration of time. These include the uses of pills.
. These prevent of giving birth in three years, five years or more. Other is the control implant. These is type of a Needle implanted in the skin of arms which release progestin hormones call etonogestrel. Progestin prevent pregnancy by blocking the release of egg from the ovaries.
How do I use a contraceptive implant?
For you to use these contraceptive implant, Beyond these contraceptive implant ,You must visit the doctor for implant. After undergoing different physical exam, the doctor insert the implant in your upper arm under your skin. Implant take a few minutes to implant. After these, you are sent home for with a bandage covering insert part, to prevent bleeding. After 24 hours, you can remove the bandage
They are a lot of effect on these. Some people experience a lot of pain from the implants. Also irregular menstrual bleeding is the most side effects. Some of the females, periods become lighter, heavy or it may stop. Other side include:- headache, breast pain, nausea, weight and gain ovarian cyst.
Other hormonal birth control effects.
Lather than pain and bleeding, they are other hormones effect occur after using of temporary or permanent. One can use temporary way of controlling birth, later if affect her either by destroying all the hormones in the body and bring total permanent disability. Other people experience the skin problem which damage your skin.
Most of the both control are not Soo effective. On also may have bleeding and more pain before the monthly period or and can occur anytime anywhere. These means your hormones are affected which now need medical facilitation. It’s better to control birth not having sex in your maturity day of your period. Our health is more important.