Guilty or not guilty
Jackie Maribe is a former citizen news anchor. She was engaged to her fiancé Joseph Irungu Kuria. She was accused over the murder of a business woman Monica Kimani. She was murdered on 19 September 2018 and dumped into a bath tab. She was accused because she lied to the police about the shot that appeared on her fiancé`s body. First, she said the shot was from some gang on a motorbike, then, she changed the information that her fiancé was angry with her because of their relationship issues. This made the Director of Criminal Investigation to accuse her as an accessory to the murder.

Her fiancé Jowie was seen entering the deceased apartment on the date of the crime. Besides that, he had a shot on his body. This made him to be the most suspected. In the night of murder, he had used Jackie`s car. And on top of that she was trying to cover up for him. They were both arrested. She was arrested at Gigiri police station in Nairobi. She told the police that she never knew Monica Kimani, because she even read her news on the television. On the other hand, Joe was arrested at Kilimani. He said that he was not responsible over miss Monica`s murder. This because he said the shot on his chest was from the motorbike gangs outside the deceased apartment who looked weird loitering at the gate. Also said he had reported it at Langata police station.

On 1st October 2018, Jackie was arraigned in court and denied bail. The court came to a decision to be detained at Gigiri police station for more ten days as for the investigation to be concluded.
On 24th October both Jowie and Jackie were presented in court for bail hearing. They were charged with the murder of Monica Kimani but however pleaded not guilty.
On 30th October, been in custody for a month, she pleaded not guilty by defending herself that on the night of the crime, she was with her lover, Jowie. She was romancing with him and therefore, it was unfair to accuse her on Monica`s murder. She was denied from reading news until the matter was fixed. She secured 2 million bond and 1 million bail although the judge declined a similar application from Jowie, indicating he has no physical address in the country. He said he has no assets as well.
Jackie`s house help was presented in court to be summoned. She said she had seen Jowie`s bloody clothes down stairs although she had no idea how they got there. She picked them to avoid the child from questioning her about them. She said the couple never had misunderstandings. This is because Jowie always drove Jackie to work and picked her at the evening. But the night of the crime they not home both. Later she shifted from Jackie house after the chikld wad taken to Buruburu. She never saw the again.