Heart disease is a variety of conditions that affect the heart. Some of the diseases under heart disease are Coronary artery disease(CAD), arrhythmias (heart rhythm problems), and Congenital heart defects that one can be born with, among others.
One factor that helps us learn how heart diseases affect women is the biological difference between men and women’s arteries. Women have smaller arteries than men so Coronary artery disease in them develops differently and more diffusely. CAD in women afflicts the smaller arteries that feed the heart.
This makes it hard to catch signs for CAD when an angiogram procedure is done to find blockages in the coronary artery.
Symptoms of heart disease in Women
Heart disease symptoms may be different in women. One of the symptoms that manifest in women is angina. This is dull, heavy, or sharp chest pain or discomfort.
A woman may also experience pain in the neck, jaw, throat, upper abdomen, or back. Other symptoms are being nauseous, vomiting, and fatigue. The body gets dysfunctional and unresponsive.
Risk factors of heart disease among women
Heart disease was considered to be a man’s disease and it took more than a decade for doctors to realize that more women are victims of the same disease. It is believed that women are to some extent protected till menopause but it turns out to be inaccurate because women are being diagnosed with heart disease in their late 30’s and early 40’s.
Women are heartful and they consider others first before themselves hence this delay is a risk towards them being diagnosed early and treated before it gets worse.
Measures to take to prevent risks for the heart disease
One needs to know their blood pressure levels. It should be a regular activity since uncontrolled blood pressure can lead to heart disease. It also applies to those who may have diabetes. If one is diabetic, one should ensure that their condition is under control failure to which one can be prone to heart disease.
Women are encouraged to quit smoking and abstain from it if one has never smoked. Good choices concerning food consumption are great since eating healthy determines a good heart condition. One should also avoid drinking a lot of alcohol and manage their stress levels. These activities lead to high levels of blood pressure risks one from getting a heart disease
The percentage level of women being affected by heart disease
These vary in different countries. About one in sixteen women aged twenty and older (6.2%) have coronary heart disease. About 1 in 16 white women (6.1%), 6.5% in black women, 6% in Hispanic women, and 3.2% in Asian women.
The women ought to be careful because this affects them the most.